Clientbook Blog
January 23, 2024

Bricks vs. clicks: The power of brick and mortar stores

Brick and mortar stores have a solid handful of advantages over online stores. Most of these advantages win in quality, perhaps over the quantity of advantages which online shopping presents. 

1. In-person interactions

A key point where brick and mortar stores can perform with more success is with the in-person customer experience. Creating an experience for consumers brings about connection, recognition, and loyalty. 

In-person experiences are most successful in creating connection when a personal touch is added. A discernible employee in-store who recognizes specific needs or characteristics of a customer can add a personal touch to heighten the quality experience of the customer. A small personal touch does big things for a retail store. 

With a well-acquainted staff who address needs and make the in-person experience personal, customers feel comfortable and associate a satisfactory connection with the store. This helps them return again and again, creating brand loyalty.

2. A welcoming physical atmosphere

We’ve all heard we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, right? But it’s a natural response. For most consumers, even though they may be shopping for a particular product, little do they know they are actually shopping for the atmosphere and attitude of a store. 

This relates to online retailers as well, however, brick and mortar stores have more of an advantage to create a physical atmosphere on the exterior of the store which draws customers inside. 

Once inside, retailers can’t get lazy as they continue efforts in creating that "haven" which represents the brand well that’s targeted towards their customers. Consumers need to feel comfortable in an inviting setting which draws them back again and again. 

3. Familiar faces

Nothing communicates "trusting and reliable" to returning customers than having a familiar face in the store who knows the preferences and needs of the customer. Being able to interact face-to-face becomes instantly more trusting and personal. 

Everybody knows the frustration of communicating with online businesses for what you need in a return or for customization. Physical retailers can ease the stress of crafting a customized ring or finding a suit that’s just the right fit just through their presence alone.

4. Be a part of the local landscape

Brick and mortar businesses contribute largely to the sense of community within a region and local area. These physical enterprises play a big role in their community's events, charities, initiatives, and a positive urban space for gathering in physical locations. 

Foot traffic is increased in these areas of the town or city, and establishes a positive reputation and a good retail presence for the community. Business owners are more inspired to create a personalized experience for local residents. 

5. The joy of instant gratification

Nothing beats the experience of being able to see, feel, and try on a product before making a  purchase. Immediately, there is an instant gratification that comes from entering a physical, brick and mortar business to find something you love or need, and receiving it instantly after purchase. 

This is quite different from online purchases where customers have to wait days or weeks for their product to ship to them. There is a sense of intimacy which comes with in-person purchases, making the product or experience more personal and attractive to the customer. 

6. Prompt and painless purchase journey

As already discussed above, shopping in a physical retail business brings the ability to buy tangible products. With that, shoppers experience a painless purchase with employees who can offer personal assistance in searching for requested items, answering about related products, and supporting with any returns. 

When customers experience this quick and smooth transaction, customer satisfaction increases and the opportunity for referrals and a good word will increase the amount of potential customers and business growth, leading to your retail success. 

Empowering brick and mortar retailers

How does a brick and mortar business keep up with the growing pace of online sales? Clientbook exists to assure all retail shops with physical locations have an upper hand over an online store with effortlessly-easy technology. 

Clientbook is a CRM built specifically for physical retailers. With it, you’ll be ready to change the face of retail with customer connection features, automations, messaging, and analytics. It's client management made easy.

Clientibook provides upscale technology for physical stores to supplement their in-store experience for customers. For example, the app's messaging feature allows brick and mortar retail to communicate with clients, market at a high-scale with high engagement, and personalize each message. This will allow brick and mortar retail stores to exceed customer expectations, making each client feel like a VIP. 


The classic, brick and mortar retail store offers unique benefits which an online business just can’t: an in-store enhanced customer experience, a personal experience for their clients, a community connection with a physical presence, and the joy of instant customer gratification. 

As e-commerce stores receive more and more business from consumers online, the emphasis and continued relevance of the importance of physical retail increases. Brick and mortar stores hold an enormous amount of power in the retail world, if they leverage their marketing and customer experience, enough to outweigh the convenience of online shops. 

With Clientbook, retailers can confidently adopt innovative technology to heighten their business obligations and create continuing relationships with their valued clients. In the battle of "bricks vs. clicks", brick and mortar locations will have a sustained competitive advantage by using tools like Clientbook to exceed customer satisfaction and increase owner success and reputation. If you’re ready to see how Clientbook can help your business, book a demo today.

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