Clientbook Blog
September 28, 2023

Clientbook Retail Q&A

At Clientbook, we envision a world where local retailers can compete against their largest competitors by leaning into their competitive advantage: building long-term relationships with their customers.

That's why we created Clientbook: a web platform and mobile app built for retailers to facilitate easy clienteling by high-end retail sales associates.

If you're interested in learning more about Clientbook, you've come to the right place. Below we answer a few common questions we get from retailers about Clientbook.

Ready to start your clienteling journey today? Download our free Clienteling Starter Kit

Frequently asked questions about Clientbook

What does Clientbook do?

Clientbook is a tool built for retailers to help their team start clienteling to potential clients. If you're new to clienteling, you may know it as relationship selling. It's all about your team working to build long-term relationships with clients to improve client engagement and help you earn repeat business.

When it comes to clienteling, there's two ways to do it: the hard way, and the easy way.

The hard way is doing it all on your own. Here's what you'd have to do:

  • Purchase notebooks for your team to use as client books. Have them write everything down—clients they talk to, their phone number, email address, important dates, and other notes.
  • Allow your salespeople to communicate with clients on their own and make their sales pitch.
  • Create a daily follow-up process for accountability. Each day managers need to check notebooks and follow-up with salespeople.
  • Train each salesperson to keep this up every single day.

Now here's the easy way: clienteling with Clientbook. Here's what that looks like:

  • Keep a central repository for your client information that's easy to filter, sort, and search through the client management feature.
  • Easily identify which salespeople are engaged and which need encouragement through the teams feature.
  • Turn one-time customers into clients by consistently following up with personalized product recommendations using the automations and messaging features.
  • Save time on training your sales team with a user-friendly platform that seamlessly integrates with your point of sale system.
  • Make data-driven decisions using the analytics feature.

At Clientbook, we do the follow-up for you. We take care of the training. We get your sales team up and running with Clientbook and actively clienteling on a daily basis.

Want to learn more? Book a demo to see how Clientbook can take your retail store to the next level

Who is Clientbook for?

Clientbook is built for owners of high-ticket retail stores who are looking to grow their business in today's retail environment. Any retailer who has a high-touch sales process is a great fit for Clientbook.

Clientbook works with over a thousand retailers in a variety of industries, including:

Check out our customer stories to see how Clientbook has helped retailers like you grow their client base

But Clientbook doesn't just help store owners. Our software can also help sales managers reach their sales goals, better manage their team, and even track their sales associates' progress.

What's more, retail sales associates can use Clientbook on the sales floor to collect and store client records, review their current client list, and improve client engagement.

Am I too small of a retailer?

Typically, Clientbook works best with retail locations with anywhere from 5 to 15 sales associates. Maybe with one or multiple locations—regional retailers or national chains.

However, if you have less than that, don't worry. We do have some clients that are sole proprietors. For example, we have one in custom jewelry, and he's the only person on his team. So if you're interacting with clients, this is going to work for you!

What are the benefits of using Clientbook?

There are several advantages of using Clientbook over manually clienteling.

Here are just a few things Clientbook can do for your retail business:

  • Get your sales team to actively clientele with ease
  • Grow your business through client retention
  • Eliminate time spent micromanaging
  • Increase sales per associate with automation
  • Never forget a customer with follow-ups and life events
  • Keep your client history in one place with centralized messaging
  • Save time with mass texting
  • Increase professionalism with product sync

How much does Clientbook cost?

What you'll pay depends on the number of stores you have and the number of sales associates you want using the software. That way your price is tailored to you and your needs.

We offer three tiers:

  • Signature: With the Signature plan, you’ll have access to all of Clientbook's features with a cap on the amount of messages you can send per month and limited associate permissions in the Teams feature.
  • Elite: Benefit from all of the Signature features plus smart messaging, relationship-based automation, advanced associate permissions, and more. 
  • Premier: Utilize all of the Signature features plus more messaging and advanced customer service.

Interested in how much Clientbook will cost for you? Book a demo to get a personalized quote

Do you offer a free trial?

While Clientbook doesn't offer a free trial, we do offer a 60-day proof of concept. That 60 days gives you a chance to see if it will work for your team. If you decide to cancel within the first 60 days, no harm, no foul. We give you your money back and we part ways as friends! Hopefully one day we can get you back!

If you're interested in seeing an overview of Clientbook before you sign up, check out this video!

What happens after I sign up?

Once you sign up with Clientbook, we have a very white-glove onboarding process. Overall, implementation takes about two weeks, and then you're ready to begin clienteling seamlessly!

When you sign up, you’ll choose a dedicated Clientbook manager at your store. Maybe it's a store manager, maybe it's you, or maybe it's a salesperson who will use the software the most. Then, we go through an onboarding and training process with that user. This training process is unique to you and your retail location.

Our customer support team will set up 30-minute training calls once or twice a week, and then they might give you some homework for you to work on to try the app for yourself.

Some retailers complete their training in a month, while others only take a week or two, especially if they're already really good at clienteling. The training is very flexible and catered to you, your needs, and what you want to get out of it.

Ready to get started? Book a demo to see how Clientbook can elevate your retail store

What are Clientbook users saying?

With over a thousand retailers actively using Clientbook, we've gathered quite a few stories over the years from happy customers who have completely transformed their business using Clientbook.

Here are a few of our favorites:

“With Clientbook, getting the customer information we want is so easy because it feels like a natural step to providing good customer service."

Jeff Corigon | Vice President | Wilson Diamonds

“Knowing what your customer needs is everything in our business. Clientbook has been really advantageous for us because it helps us keep that connection after a customer has left. It’s a way to connect with your customer on an ongoing basis.”

BJ Stringham | President | UWM Men’s Shop

"Clientbook has been crucial to our business the last couple of months. Our April was $3k away from beating this past December in sales. And May is up 90% over last May so far."

Justin Sims | Owner | Sims Music

“Before Clientbook, we would send out actual birthday cards, but it got to be too much because our customer base is big. Now we can send birthday messages plus automated reminders for extended warranties. We don’t have to think about it and it sends out the text!”

Lauren Farrell | Store Manager | The Home Zone

Want to see more? Check out additional customer success stories

How do I get started?

If you're ready to see what Clientbook can do for your retail business, your first step is to book a demo meeting with our sales team. They'll show you the software, answer your questions, and give you a personalized quote. We can't wait to see how you use Clientbook at your retail store!

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