Clientbook Blog
November 14, 2023

The Future of Jewelry Retail: Integrating Client Management and Marketing Automation

Digital marketing has become the heart of any successful business strategy, and jewelry stores are no exception. Specifically, marketing automation is a powerful tool that can revolutionize the way jewelry stores connect with their customers and boost their sales. 

Using client management tools is another way jewelry store owners can better connect with their customers through organized client lists, unique client profiles and product wish lists, and so much more. 

Using both marketing automation and client management software together can be a game-changer for jewelry stores.  

In this article, we’ll explore why both marketing automation and client management is so critical for jewelry brands, how client management and marketing automation tools can work together, and how software like Clientbook and GemFind can help you revolutionize your jewelry business.

Why marketing automation is important for jewelry businesses 

Marketing automation helps jewelry business owners enhance client relationships, target their ideal customer, recover potential lost sales, and streamline their marketing efforts. 

Communication with clients is managed more effectively by using a personalized approach based on client preferences and purchase history, which helps build lasting connections. 

Marketing automation tools also enable jewelry stores to segment their target customers based on demographic, buying behavior, location, and other various criteria. This ensures clients are receiving information and special offers that are relevant to them. 

As jewelry purchases are often considered an investment, email campaigns can also help jewelry stores send timely communication that keep the brand top of mind when the time is right for the client. 

All of the positive benefits from implementing marketing automation will lead to increased jewelry sales and greater brand loyalty.

How jewelry marketing is changing

The jewelry industry continues to undergo significant transformations in the digital space, and GemFind has been a leading digital marketing agency specializing in the jewelry industry for over 20 years. 

Jewelry stores that are embracing the shift in consumer behavior are seeing significant growth not only in their online traffic, but also in store visits and new clientele. It’s now essential for jewelry stores to have a digital presence that is reflective of their in-store experience. 

Being accessible where your clients are spending their time—such as social media platforms, text/live chat options, and email—allows jewelry stores to meet the needs of their clients beyond a store visit. Staying ahead of the curve is essential for jewelry stores looking to thrive in the changing landscape of luxury jewelry.

Why client management software is important for jewelry businesses

Client management software is a vital tool for any jewelry store owner, but especially for ones looking to scale their efforts in personalization and communication.  

Without the proper tools, business owners have to resort to manually combing through notebooks and spreadsheets to find a client’s contact information. 

What’s worse is that jewelry stores with thousands of clients can’t possibly follow up with each and every one of them regularly, causing sales associates to miss out on important selling opportunities, such as birthdays and anniversaries. 

Client management software makes it possible for jewelry store owners and their sales associates to keep tabs on all of their clients, send messages to them regularly, and even track sales opportunities.

How client management is changing

Many jewelry store owners are still keeping track of their client data on outdated client information sheets at best, and scattered notebooks and sticky notes at worst. 

While a Rolodex of business cards and notepads may have sufficed in the past, today’s customers expect personalized communication and VIP experiences—and that’s impossible to scale with manual note taking. 

As your customer base grows, the more important it becomes to use client management software. With it, you can easily search and filter to quickly find the client information you’re looking for, house important information on client preferences, and even integrate with your POS system to house all of your data in one place. 

Clientbook has been helping jewelers nationwide make the switch from manual clienteling to digital clienteling, not only to help streamline business processes, but also to drive sales and in-store foot traffic. 

How client management and marketing tools work together 

While both marketing automation and client management tools work well on their own, they reach their full potential when used together. 

For example: Imagine a shopper comes into your store looking for a piece of jewelry for their spouse to celebrate their anniversary next month. Using your client management software, you record the details about this client—their name, contact information, who they’re buying for, the date of their anniversary, and all of the jewelry products they showed interest in. 

After the shopper leaves your store, that’s where your marketing automation steps in. Using the information provided in your client management software, your marketing automation can go to work targeting ads to your buyer with gift ideas featuring the jewelry items they looked at in-store. 

In addition, you can add this shopper to your email marketing drip campaign to continue nurturing them throughout the month, until they’re ready to make a purchase for their anniversary. 

By integrating your client management and effective marketing automation tools, you’ll have a targeted strategy to not only capture your client’s information and preferences, but also a way to use that data to earn their business. 

How Clientbook and GemFind work together for jewelers 

If you’re looking for a seamless way to integrate your client management and marketing automation efforts, Clientbook and GemFind have the solution. 

Clientbook, the top CRM for jewelry stores, and GemFind, a digital marketing agency tailored to the jewelry industry, integrate together to provide jewelers with the ultimate marketing and sales strategy to stand out from the competition and provide excellent customer service. 

By integrating Clientbook with your website designed by GemFind, you’ll be able to: 

  • House all of your client and store data in one place
  • Scale your personalization efforts, no matter your business size 
  • Never miss an opportunity to follow up with a client 
  • Craft targeted marketing campaigns to your target audience
  • Drive both online and in-store foot traffic and exceed your sales goals 

Let’s dive deeper into what both GemFind and Clientbook have to offer for jewelers. 

What GemFind does for jewelers 

GemFind’s longevity and loyalty in the jewelry industry has allowed the agency to expand and grow to be a one-stop shop digital agency for jewelers. By offering cutting edge Shopify website solutions, comprehensive digital marketing, and other tools for jewelry businesses, GemFind has solutions for every jewelry business looking to grow their online presence. 

With a focus on creating holistic marketing plans for each client and enhancing website experience, the team at GemFind is always results driven and focused on creating an easy process for jewelry stores.

What Clientbook does for jewelers 

Clientbook’s desktop and mobile app facilitates easy clienteling and stress-free client management by jewelry store owners and sales associates. 

With Clientbook, you can build unique customer profiles, create jewelry collections based on a client's past purchases, set up automated reminders on when to follow up with a client, and even send review requests to your loyal customers.

By using Clientbook, jewelers gain visibility and control over the customer experience, resulting in more store visits, improved conversion rates, and increased sales.

Take a look at each of our advanced feature pages to learn more:


As the jewelry industry continues to grow and evolve, store owners need to adapt along with it to meet the needs of their customers and to keep up with the competition. By integrating your client management and marketing automation tools—like Clientbook and GemFind—you’ll set your business up for success and drive jewelry sales through the roof. 

If you want to learn more about how Clientbook can enhance your client management efforts, book a free demo with us to see what we’re all about

If you’re ready to see how GemFind can refine your digital marketing strategies, request a free consultation.

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